


Comisión Permanente

Working Committees
  • Economics and Taxation.
  • European Single Market, Regional Development and Development Cooperation.
  • Labour Relations, Employment and Social Security.
  • Health, Consumer Affairs, Social Affairs, Education and Culture.
  • Agriculture and Fisheries.
  • Sectoral Policies and the Environment.
  • For drawing up the Report on the Socioeconomic and Employment Situation in Spain.
  • About the social reality and the work of women in Spain



Secretaria General

  • Foreign Action Committee
  • Publications and Institutional Activities Committee
  • Information Policy Working Group


The Chairman of the Economic and Social Council is appointed by the Government of the Nation at the joint proposal of Ministry of Labour and Social Economy and the Ministry of Economy .Commerce and Business, after consultation with the representation groups that make up the Council. In any event, the person whose appointment is proposed is to have the backing of at least two-thirds of the Council members.


The Council Plenary Assembly is comprised of all of the members of the Council, presided by the Chairman and assisted by the Secretary General. The Plenary Assembly meets in an ordinary session at least once a month, and in extraordinary session calling by the Chairman ,on own initiative, by agreement of the Standing Committee or by request at least twenty members.

Comisión Permanente

The Standing Committee, presided by the Chairman and assisted by the Secretary General, is comprising of six members representing the First Group, six representing the Second Group and six from the Third Group, designated by and from among the members of the Plenary Assembly at the proposal of each one of the groups.

The Standing Assembly meets in an ordinary session at least once a month, and in extraordinary session calling by the Chairman, on own initiative, or by request at least six of its members, as many times as necessary.

Comisiones de Trabajo

The Council's working committees, made up in keeping with the criteria of proportionality and presence of the Council's various groups, are responsible for the studies, reports and opinions assigned to them by the Plenary Council or the Standing Committee. The Council's Organizational and Procedural Rules regulate committee work, giving committees ample autonomy for organizing their work.

The Spanish Economic and Social Council has the following permanent working committees:

  • Economics and Taxation.
  • European Single Market, Regional Development and Development Cooperation.
  • Labour Relations, Employment and Social Security.
  • Health, Consumer Affairs, Social Affairs, Education and Culture.
  • Agriculture and Fisheries.
  • Sectoral Policies and the Environment.
  • For drawing up the Report on the Socioeconomic and Employment Situation in Spain.
  • About the social reality and the work of women in Spain

Moreover on 23 November 2005 resolved to set up a special temporary working committee to address the socio-occupational situation of women in Spain, with the aim, over four years, of drafting any gender-specific opinions that are commissioned, along with other reports in the field.


The Council has two Vice-Chairmen elected by the Plenary Assembly, each one being proposed by and chosen from among the members of the first Group and the second Group , respectively

The Vice-Chairmen perform the duties expressly delegated to them by the Chairman, and substitute him in case of vacancy, absence or illness.


The Council has two Vice-Chairmen elected by the Plenary Assembly, each one being proposed by and chosen from among the members of the first Group and the second Group , respectively

The Vice-Chairmen perform the duties expressly delegated to them by the Chairman, and substitute him in case of vacancy, absence or illness.

Secretaria General

La Secretaria General es nombrado y separado libremente por el Gobierno de la Nación a propuesta conjunta de los Ministros de Trabajo y Economía Social y de Economía, Comercio y Empresa, previa consulta a los grupos de representación que integran el Consejo y siempre que cuente con el apoyo de, al menos, dos tercios de los miembros del Consejo.

La Secretaría General es el órgano de asistencia técnica y administrativa del Consejo Económico y Social y el depositario de la fe pública de sus acuerdos. Sus funciones son las siguientes:

  • Dirigir y coordinar los servicios administrativos y técnicos del Consejo, velando porque actúen conforme a los principios de economía, celeridad y eficacia.
  • Asistir, con voz pero sin voto, a las sesiones del Pleno y de la Comisión Permanente del Consejo.
  • Extender las actas de las sesiones del Pleno y de la Comisión Permanente, autorizarlas con su firma y el visto bueno del Presidente, y dar curso a los acuerdos adoptados por los órganos del Consejo.
  • Archivar y custodiar la documentación del Consejo.
  • Expedir certificaciones de las actas, acuerdos, dictámenes, votos particulares y otros documentos confiados a su custodia, con el visto bueno del Presidente.
  • Elaborar la propuesta de anteproyecto inicial de presupuesto del Consejo y elevarla al Presidente, así como preparar informaciones periódicas sobre la ejecución presupuestaria.
  • Ser depositario de los fondos del Consejo, formular las propuestas de gasto y librar los pagos autorizados.
  • Ejercer la jefatura del personal al servicio del Consejo.

Desempeñar cuantas otras funciones se le otorguen, sean inherentes a su condición de Secretario o asuma por delegación de los demás órganos del Consejo.


  • Foreign Action Committee
  • Publications and Institutional Activities Committee
  • Information Policy Working Group